Monday, April 18, 2011

6 Week Belly Pic and MEH BEWBS!

Hit the 1/2 way through the first trimester point this week. I realized while doing some calculations this weekend that we will be in our 12th week (and officially out of the big danger zone) on my birthday! Can't ask for a better present than that...

In other news, my boobs hurt. Wowee. There is nothing more unpleasant than some good ol' fashioned bewb pain. I'm waiting for the benefit of bigger bewbies, but so far I just have hurtin' bewbies. In other exciting pregnancy news, I'm oh-so-tired. I took three naps yesterday and still was asleep for the night at 10:30. I swear this baby is slowly driving me into a coma. No morning sickness so far - I am thankful to not be hugging my friendly neighboorhood potty, but there's a little part of me that is scared that not having morning sickness is a bad sign. God knows I'm having plenty of other symptoms (as poor Nick can attest to after sitting bewildered in the bathroom this weekend while I cried and cried saying, "I don't KNOW why I'm crying, I'm just UPSET!!!!") so I'm sure all is well (and I'm sure when I start barfing my guts out a week from now I'll read back on this and kick my April 18th self's ass.)

My dear husband has been such an amazing support the last few weeks. He has put up with my feral mood swings, cleaned the entire house every weekend (so Eggy isn't exposed to cleaning chemicals, in his words), went with me to Babies-R-Us to fawn over the vomit-inducing cuteness of mass baby clothing (his idea to go too - how impressive is that!?!), and even let me buy a new camera for picture takin' ("let me"...well, let's try "accompanied me to buy a new camera". That sounds a little closer to the Nick/Niel relationship I know!). He is a kind, good man, and is so excited for this baby. It's amazing how instantly pregnancy brings a couple together - I love him so much more watching what great care he is already taking of his baby and baby mama. :)

So now for the big moment - my first belly pic(s)!

 Not really all that much to see, but I suppose that's where they all have to start, right? It's amazing to think of all that's going on in there lately - brain and spine development last week, eyes, ears, arm/leg buds, umbilical cord development, and heartbeat this week, and baby (aka Eggy) has now reached the size of a lentil bean (I love you my little lentil. Yes I do.)  Crazy to think of all that happens in this first trimester - literally it goes from a blob of cells to a wee person in there in three months flat. Truly a miracle that you appreciate so much more when it's happening in your own body. Amazing...

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