Thursday, December 1, 2011

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks. Full term and ready to pop out some good ol' fashioned human life. By my estimation, with Eggmund being full term already, he's really just loafing around in there, like some fetal super senior. I hope this doesn't forebode slacker status for my son...
-How big is baby? 7 pounds and 20 inches long. And I'm feeling eeeeeeveeeeerrrrrry pound and eeeeeeveeeeerrrrrry inch.
-Weight gain? Weight has held steady the last few weeks. I have a feeling my total gain will probably end up being right at the 26lbs mark (barring any unforeseen ice cream binges brought on by late-term pregnancy mania.)
-Maternity clothes? It's worrisome when I start looking at my maternity clothes with the same sort of skeptical "I don't think this ever actually fit" as I did with my pre-pregnancy clothes. Now that Eggmund's head has dropped, everything has a really attractive way of bunching and puckering at the crotch. Because the only thing more attractive than being nearly 10 months pregnant is having bunched crotch pants.
-Stretchies? By god, I think I might have just gotten away free and clear. (I hope I don't live to regret sending that little sentence into the universe. Better go apply some more cocoa butter just in case.)
-Sleep? Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, the sleeplessness reached a whole new level. I spent all of Tuesday night awake with back contractions. Couldn't get comfortable, couldn't fall asleep, kept trying to reposition (easier said then done with the 7lbs goiter in my bellah.) It was the longest night ever...I'd look at the clock and then fall asleep, and when I woke back up I was sure it had to be close to morning, and I'd be lucky if 30 minutes had passed. It was like some sort of horrible time warp...Like the kind that used to happen in my high school Spanish class. You'd walk in and time would suddenly start ticking backwards.
-Movement? Movements are actually pretty uncomfortable at this point - feels like he's doing chin-ups using my ribs and stretching his sharp little feets out of my sides. Me thinks I'm having a baby with javelin-like hands and feet. Still getting lots of hiccups (usually in the morning). Now that his head has dropped more it feels like the hiccups are in my crotch, which, needless to say, is a bit disconcerting.
-Food cravings? Food is starting to be a little overrated. Smaller meals definitely settle better with the limited room left in my guts region. (And by "smaller meals" I am of course referring to Neapolitan ice cream.)
-Gender? Hoping it hasn't changed.
-Belly button in or out? I miss my modest belly button. Now my button's all out and about, like some kind of belly button whore.
-What I miss? Energy. Being able to breath. Turning over in bed without having to grab Nick to hoist myself over with.
- Milestones?  Real life contractions! Timed 'em and everything. Not to say they went anywhere, but still...they were there. Got checked at the midwife on Wednesday, and we're 1cm and 50% effaced. I just want this little man to arrive. C'mon Eggmund. Mommy and Daddy are waiting.

And some pictures of a very serious belly:

38 weeks, and feeling sexy.
Whoa there big mama.

In a moment of pregnancy-induced craziness, I decided to take a picture of my 38 week belly. And in a moment of total pregnancy-induced psychosis, I decided to post said picture onto the internets for all to see. Point and laugh, if you must.

And finally a picture of me with a sloth. Because when is a picture with a sloth NOT an appropriate way to end a blog post? Never. That's when. 

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