Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Daddy Way

So there's no denying that the boy loves his Mommy. I am the holder of the deliciouso le leche, you know. But there's also those special Daddy/Son connections that are starting to come out.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:
River (strangely enough) loves Nick's singing. Nick scoops up the baby, puts in his earbuds, starts up his "baby playlist" (which does not consist of lullaby's, but "Proud to be an American", "Black or White" by Michael Jackson, a variety of country ballads, etc.), and does this bizarre shuffle step, off-beat walk around the house while singing along to the music at the top of his lungs. If you've ever heard Nick sing, it's needless for me to say that this singing is horrifically off-key, off-tempo, off-(insert any word related to music here). But by god the child eats it up. He stares at Nick's face, shuts his little scream hole, and lies there quietly either in enjoyment, embarrassment of his father, or complete god forsaken terror. Point is, he's quiet and happy during this little 'Daddy concerts'.

Exhibit C:
Nick gives River 'lessons' on cleaning the house. Every weekend, Nick takes the baby around while he cleans, and narrates a running explanation of how to do each job correctly. Last weekend River was introduced to the subtle nuances of vacuuming, taking out the trash, and cleaning the kitchen. I drew the line at teaching him the 'correct' way to load the dishwasher - my baby isn't ready for that extreme level of Daddy neurosis yet.

Exhibit D:

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